When you saw the author you might think I am his faithful reader. That's right, Mitch Albom is one of my favorite writers. His book was warm and fragrant, of course, there were filled with wisdom that can make me think many things.
This book" the five people you meet in heaven" was described a man who lived in a little town near the ocean and worked in the amusement park. The man's name was called Eddie, he was a maintenance worker in the amusement park.
Like the first sentence in this book "The story's beginning is the end." In the beginning, Eddie died on his birthday of eighty-three years old. And then he was brought to the heaven to meet five people who had played an important role in his life.
The first person was blue-skin man whose death resulted from Eddie. He talked to Eddie about what thing he would meet in the heaven and the connection between him and Eddie. And then, Eddie learned the first thing "No one's life is wasted in vain."
The second person Eddie met was the captain who had led him in the war. He told him his life and why he was the second people he met, he shot Eddie's leg for safe Eddie. And he taught one thing to Eddie "You sacrifice something and while gain something."
The third person was a woman Eddie hadn't met before. Her name was Lubby, the same name of the amusement park. She was the first master's wife of the amusement park. She told Eddie about how Eddie's father died and gave him a homework, to forgive his father. "You need to put down your angry and then you would be really peaceful." she said.
The fourth person was his wife, Marglit. Eddie told her about his life after she died. With her, Eddie remebered the love. The fifth person was a little girl called Talla. She was killed by Eddie, he had burned a place when he was in the war. And then, he was forgiven by Talla and knew this was Talla who brought him to the heaven.
This story stimulate deep thought. Every time I read it, I would think about my life. "Did I do wrong thing today?" "The things I do have the meaning?" "What is the meaning about I live?" I don't know the answer now, maybe one day I will gain the answer. Now I need to do is " Don't waste my life and do something to others." Like the author said in the end of this book "The world is built by many stories, and all the stories connect to the one." We must treat well everyone we meet, maybe he/she will be the person who can change your life.
1 則留言:
good book, too.